The Enneagram “Levels of Health” go through these patterns in depth, but the amount of information may seem a little daunting. In that light, I want to offer you the crux for each type – i.e., the way each type “ruins” their life.
These Enneagram “types” truly are the “deadly sins” in that at the core of each type is a damaging coping mechanism that was essential in the home you grew up in – in reality as you knew it – when you were a child. Within your family system, your developed coping mechanism receives “rewards,” which may be love, praise, recognition, or simply attention (negative or positive). However, that damaging coping mechanism connects to a basic fear and hidden core motivational belief. These connections are important because they set up a damaging recurrent pattern or loop that can make you less and less healthy until your damaging coping mechanism – that thing you do so well – makes reality come true – the reality of your basic fear. It’s all a progression that you can stop, but you can only stop it by giving up your hidden core motivational belief, which, due to your childhood message, you deeply believe to be reality. Giving up that coping mechanism pattern will likely feel terrifying and disorienting. Let’s take a look at these patterns, these nine deadly sins…
Type 1
Childhood Message: “You will be okay if you do what is right.” – Your family system “rewards” you for being a “good” (perfect?) kid.
Basic Fear (what your childhood message communicates to you on a deep visceral level): You are afraid that — under an objective standard, you are (morally) “wrong” or defective.
Hidden Core Motivational Belief (that you have to give up in order to break the pattern of self-fulfilling prophecy): If you work hard enough, you can judge right and wrong objectively.
Type 2
Childhood Message: “You will be okay (or loved) if others need you.” – Your family system “rewards” you for being a “caring,” “nurturing,” and “helpful” kid.
Basic Fear (what your childhood message communicates to you on a deep visceral level): You are afraid that — if you have needs, that will drive others away.
Hidden Core Motivational Belief (that you have to give up in order to break the pattern of self-fulfilling prophecy): If you try hard enough to please others, then they are obligated to love you.
Type 3
Childhood Message: “You will be okay if it looks like you are functioning well.” – Your family system “rewards” you for being an “effective” and “efficient” kid that knows how to “keep up appearances.”
Basic Fear (what your childhood message communicates to you on a deep visceral level): You are afraid that – that there is no real “you” underneath what you do.
Hidden Core Motivational Belief (that you have to give up in order to break the pattern of self-fulfilling prophecy): If you do enough, and do well enough, then you will be happy. Then, you will know who you are.
Type 4
Childhood Message: “You will be okay if you are unique.” – Your family system “rewards” (usually with negative attention) you for being a “different” kid.
Basic Fear (what your childhood message communicates to you on a deep visceral level): You are afraid that – if you let go of your trauma, then you will cease to be unique.
Hidden Core Motivational Belief (that you have to give up in order to break the pattern of self-fulfilling prophecy): If you are unique, then you are above (or below) the rules. You can only be unique (or “genuine” or “creative” or “special” or…), if you are damaged.
Type 5
Childhood Message: “You will be okay if you stay in your one, little area (which may be physical or mental).” – Your family system “rewards” you for staying out of the way. Usually, the “reward” is time alone, which may seem counterintuitive (for anyone who isn’t a Five).
Basic Fear (what your childhood message communicates to you on a deep visceral level): You are afraid that – if you don’t know enough, then you are helpless, rootless, and completely untethered to reality.
Hidden Core Motivational Belief (that you have to give up in order to break the pattern of self-fulfilling prophecy): You can be an “objective” observer; you are not a “part” of the “subjective” masses that cannot see reality impartially.
Type 6
Childhood Message: “You will be okay if you do what is expected of you and/or get along well with others.” – Your family system “rewards” you for being a “responsible” kid or a “team player.”
Basic Fear (what your childhood message communicates to you on a deep visceral level): You are afraid that – if you are on your own, then you are helpless or not secure.
Hidden Core Motivational Belief (that you have to give up in order to break the pattern of self-fulfilling prophecy): You can’t trust yourself; you need constant assurance or help from something or someone outside of yourself.
Type 7
Childhood Message: “You will be okay if you are happy and fun to be around.” – Your family system “rewards” you for being an “upbeat,” “cheerful,” “exciting,” and/or “entertaining” (in a positive or negative sense) kid.
Basic Fear (what your childhood message communicates to you on a deep visceral level): You are afraid that – if you don’t get enough pleasure or experiences, then you’ll cease to be “fun,” and everyone will leave.
Hidden Core Motivational Belief (that you have to give up in order to break the pattern of self-fulfilling prophecy): You need pleasure/satisfaction/fulfillment to feel (or even to be).
Type 8
Childhood Message: “You will be okay if you control your situation.” – Your family system “rewards” you for being a “self-reliant” kid, who can take care of yourself (and perhaps others).
Basic Fear (what your childhood message communicates to you on a deep visceral level): You are afraid that – if you are not in control, then you are weak and vulnerable. You are afraid that – if you are not in control, then people will take advantage of you.
Hidden Core Motivational Belief (that you have to give up in order to break the pattern of self-fulfilling prophecy): In order to be strong, you have to be in control (whether that means control of the situation, others, or even just yourself).
Type 9
Childhood Message: “You will be okay if you don’t rock the boat.” – Your family system “rewards” you for being an “easy,” “low maintenance” kid that doesn’t need much attention.
Basic Fear (what your childhood message communicates to you on a deep visceral level): You are afraid that – if you really wake up to reality, then it won’t live up to your (over-idealistic) expectations. You are afraid that – if you really wake up to reality, then you’ll be trampled and forgotten.
Hidden Core Motivational Belief (that you have to give up in order to break the pattern of self-fulfilling prophecy): Your participation (in reality) is unimportant. Of course, that may also mean that you don’t view this reality as important enough (i.e., ideal enough) for your participation.