Are you a visually oriented person? Do you love the artwork of religious icons. Perhaps, praying with icons might be the practice for you.
An icon is a two-dimensional artistic representation of a religious scene or personage for the express purpose of aiding a practitioner in prayer. The icon is used as a focal point for the participant’s prayers on the person or event depicted in the icon. Both ‘writing’ (i.e., painting) an icon or ‘reading’ (i.e., praying with) an icon can be considered mystical practices. Writing an icon involves particular prayers one uses while painting in a very structured manner in order to produce the desired artistic result. Use of an icon in prayer is theologically intended to draw a practitioner into the reality of the person or event depicted through the icon itself. Resultantly, either of these activities find a place for implementation in the mystical tradition as a means in which the practitioner might meet God.
Please note that this exercise for beginning spiritual practice is simply based on praying with an icon. If you are interested in writing (i.e., painting) an icon, please see bibliographic information below for Peter Pearson’s A Brush with God: An Icon Workbook. This step-by-step guide walks you through every step of the way in creating an icon. Pearson also conducts icon workshops on a regular basis (
- Spend some time gazing at the icon of Christ (to the left).
- What features stand out to you? For example, notice the position of Jesus’ hands. What is Jesus holding? Where is Jesus looking?
- Now, spend some time applying those things to your life. What do these features say to you in your experience right now?
- Now, move deeper into the picture. Ask more metaphorical and probing questions. For example, why isn’t Jesus smiling? Why is he wearing dark colors? Why isn’t there a nail print in Jesus’ hand? Why is the background portrayed the way it is?
- Now, ask more personal questions. For example, what is Christ teaching you? What is Christ thinking about? How do you meet Christ through these features? What is he saying to you?
Forest, Jim, Praying with Icons (Maryknoll NY: Orbis Books, 1997)
Mathewes-Green, Frederica, The Open Door: Entering the Sanctuary of Icons and Prayer (Brewster MA: Paraclete, 2003)
Nouwen, Henri, Behold the Beauty of the Lord: Praying with Icons (Notre Dame IN: Ave Maria, 1987)
Pearson, Peter, A Brush with God: An Icon Workbook (Harrisburg PA: Morehouse Publishing, 2005)
Williams, Rowan, The Dwelling of the Light: Praying with Icons of Christ (Grand Rapids MI: William B. Eerdmans, 2004)
Williams, Rowan, Ponder These Things: Praying with Icons of the Virgin (Brewster: Paraclete Press, 2006)