The Enneagram is often touted as a personality typing system, like the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). Most personality systems look at cognition — how do you think and how do others think differently. That information can be immensely helpful as you go through life, but I think that the Enneagram goes a bit further…because it is based on something much deeper.
The Enneagram looks primarily at our motivation. What are the fears and desires that drive us in the course of our lives? To ask this question sincerely, we have to go to some uncomfortable places and face our darkest demons. The Enneagram is also concerned with personal growth — not just learning to accept our own personality quirks. We are called to a journey of becoming a whole person. Whether you call it individuation, self-actualization, enlightenment, or redemption, that journey is what the Enneagram is all about.
Interested? If so, then check out some of the links below.
Observable Patterns
Levels of Health
Self-Fulfilling Prophecies